Welcome to my world!
Oh man, it's so difficult to be a polar bear...
One week ago I was sleeping when one of my children woke me up and asked me:
I just muttered half sleep - Why are you asking me that? -
He answered - We were playing with the dog from the human's house near here when he said that his owner is vegetarian and something like a member of green...uh... i don't remember -
I sighed - Do you even know what means to be vegetarian? -
And then he stayed quiet. Thanks God, I don't want to explain it to him.
Why I am telling you this? Because I just find myself thinking about that question. AH! I almost forgot introducing myself! I'm Nae, a single mother of two children and I live in the beautiful Groenlandia with them.
As I see it, vegetarian animals eats vegetables, grass, plants and fruits, right? To be honest I've not eat vegetables in my life so I can't judge clearly why I don't want to stop eating meat. I taste plants once and It was disgusting without any flavour. Meat is warm at first but tasty and delicious after, it gaves me a lot of energy!
Another argument is where I live. Have you ever been here, in Groenlandia? It's all white and snow, more white and more snow... Do you think I can find vegetables or fruits? No, that's impossible. In addition I can't raise a farm or a greenhouse because I don't have money or seeds or materials.
For all these reasons I would support non vegetarian animals. If you like meat, just eat meat. That's it. Maybe if you can choose -unlike me- what do you want to eat -meat or vegetables- then you can be omnivore. Although I think the most important, above the fact of being vegetarian or not, is having food to survive.
Meat is love, meat is life!